Welcome to Dazzling Nicola Coughlan, your largest online source for Irish actress Nicola Coughlan. She is best known for her roles in Channel 4's Derry Girls as Clare Devlin and Netflix's acclaimed Bridgerton as Penelope Featherington. Our site aims to bring you the latest news on Nicola and her career along with providing a comprehensive gallery of her work and appearances. We hope you enjoy the site and come back soon! V

Nicola Coughlan on Bridgerton, breaking boundaries and being herself

As her career blossoms, the actress tells us – in her own words – why it’s her time to step into the spotlight

Dear Reader,

I’m in disbelief that I’m the leading lady in a romance show. And it’s not because I find myself hideous, as some people have assumed when I say that (I’ll have you know, in the right lighting I’m a solid seven), but because it’s not something I ever dreamed of. When I was a little girl, I wanted to be one of the Gay Icons. “Bette Midler as CC Bloom? God, that’s so me!” thought six-year-old Nicola. I never sought to be the ingénue, purely because they never seemed to get the best lines or looked as if they were having the most fun.

In this season of Bridgerton, I reprise my role as Penelope Featherington. The major difference is that in the first two seasons, Pen was a supporting character, the oddball in the corner, but this time she’s very much centre-stage. The only issue with this is that ‘oddball in the corner’ is actually a niche I do very well. I’m comfortable there! Strange girl no one pays attention to? Where do I sign up?

Also, clearly not intimidated enough by starring as a leading lady for the first time, I signed up to play Maggie – the lead role in the Channel 4 comedy series, Big Mood. When it rains terrifying, brilliant opportunities, it truly pours. A huge theme in this series of Bridgerton is the idea that Penelope is stepping out of the shadows and into the light (look out for the titles of the first and last episodes). But not only was this a journey that Pen had to embark on, it’s also one I had to go on myself. I was presented with these brilliant opportunities but was racked with doubt as to whether I could take on the challenge.

When I look back at my life over the last few years, it’s hard to fathom how much it’s changed. In 2017, I was working part time in an optician’s, about to turn 30, living at home with my parents, unsure whether the whole ‘acting thing’ was ever going to happen or whether I was completely kidding myself. Now, in 2024, I’m about to begin a global press tour for one of Netflix’s biggest ever shows. It’s hard for me to comprehend it. The funny thing is, I don’t feel any different to the girl who used to ring people up and tell them they’re overdue for their eye test.

The ‘oddball in the corner’ is actually a niche I do very well

I once ended up on American Vogue’s ‘best dressed women in the world’ list. My friends and family found this absolutely hilarious. It’s sometimes jarring how deeply unfashionable I am in my day-to-day life. Today, for example, I am wearing a jumper that has the word ‘happy’ on it, beside a picture of a rainbow – this is a terrible jumper. I was given it for free years ago and for some reason, even though I know it’s terrible, I wear it all the time. Completing this ensemble is a pair of Guinness socks (also free) and some ancient leggings that I realised midway through the day were on backwards. I did consider turning them round but, ultimately, I was fine with it.

There’s something in me, I’ve discovered, that really enjoys the distinct separation of my life into these categories:

1 The person playing a character on screen.
2 The person you see dressed in a fancy gown on a red carpet.
3 The person I am at home – away from all that, who’s wearing her old leggings backwards.

I think this separation is actually necessary in order to hold onto my sanity. For instance, I find it a struggle in the public eye, especially on social media, to strike the right balance. I don’t always want to present a glossy, idealised version of my life, and not show that it’s only me five per cent of the time. On the other hand, I don’t want to share too much of what’s private and personal to me. I try my hardest to be authentic; I’m always as truthful as I can be when I’m interviewed but, at the same time, do I want to let the world inside my home? No, I absolutely don’t.

‘Fame’, or however you want to refer to it, doesn’t come with a handbook. Dealing with it is still a learning curve every day. I do enjoy the down periods after a show has come out and eyes are off me for a while. Mainly, what I love is being on set. I waited too long to do this job for even a moment of the privilege of doing it to be lost on me. (Actually, I lie – leaving your house at 4am and getting home at 8pm for eight months is hard, especially if you’re a sleepy gal like me, so sometimes I do complain that I’m tired, but aside from that, I stay very grateful!)

But one part of doing this job I love is stepping into the spotlight and shouting from the rooftops about how proud I am to be part of this thing, and how much it would mean for the world to love it as much as I do! And with this comes scrutiny. So much scrutiny.

Luckily, I have a fool-proof way to avoid scrutiny as a woman in the industry! All you have to do is follow these simple rules:

Be permanently 22 years old. Unfortunately, you’re not allowed to age beyond this, and if you do try to counteract the process with Botox or fillers, people will say it’s bad because you’re scared of ageing. Instead, I suggest cryogenically freezing yourself and only defrosting if the part is really worth it. Alternatively, you could find out whatever potion it was that Isabella Rossellini gave Meryl Streep in Death Becomes Her and chug that down.

Be a sample size. So, when I say sample size, know that the camera adds 10lbs, so one size below that is the actual ideal. If, for any reason, you can’t/won’t follow this rule, I suggest accepting that, in every interview you do, you will have to talk about your figure instead of your work. I get asked all the time about my body – I wrote an article in 2018 for The Guardian in which the thesis was: ‘Please focus on my work and not my body.’ I still feel exactly the same.

You must have a sparkling personality! But not have too much personality, because, remember, in this industry, men might not be cancelled for being abusers, but women will get cancelled for saying something slightly annoying in an interview one time. Be wary, sisters.

Look, I can’t help being facetious. As much as I love what I do, all the scrutiny isn’t easy, and fame is a very strange consequence of doing my job. It’s wild to me that we film a show in a warehouse in West London and if I go to Brazil or Australia or Texas, people recognise me. I have so much love and respect for the fans of things I’ve done – I want them to know that I feel grateful – but it is difficult to navigate being online when people throw their opinions of you at you like grenades.

I remember back in the early days of Derry Girls when I had a Twitter account and I used to interact a lot with fans and foes. “I’m fine!” I thought. “It’s totally normal to get this much abuse day today and function as a mentally well-adjusted human being!” Leaving Twitter is the closest I will ever get to the feeling of escaping a cult. “We thought it was normal to live like this? How wrong we were!”

Leaving Twitter is the closest I will ever get to the feeling of escaping a cult

Yes, I do still have an Instagram account and, yes, I do share things on there that can annoy people, but my approach has changed a lot since my Tweeting heyday. I used to think that I had to offer an opinion on everything. I now realise that it’s completely unnecessary. These days, if something is happening in the world, I don’t bother to weigh in with my opinion because that’s not what’s important. What I feel I can do is share information from trusted sources, share fundraisers and help raise money for people in need. I feel a deep responsibility, because of how privileged I am, to speak up and try to amplify voices and causes.

And so, it’s deeply frustrating when people put words in your mouth and imply that you mean things you don’t. Social media has made the world a dangerously binary place; the ‘If you support X, you hate Y’ narrative is not something I am interested in, and I’ll do my best to fight against that notion. While I still get trolls who say terrible things to me, don’t forget, I used to be in a cult called Twitter. I’ve heard worse.

Deep down, the work is the most important thing to me. Shooting Big Mood and the third season of Bridgerton is the hardest I’ve ever worked, and the proudest I’ve ever been of my work. I feel a huge responsibility in leading both shows, one being a globally loved phenomenon, the other having been written and created by one of my best friends, Camilla Whitehill – it also happens to be one of the greatest scripts I have ever read. I agreed to film both shows at the same time (I don’t ever want to let people down), and the shoots overlapped for one month in 2023. If you peered into my brain at that time, I’m sure it would have looked like a marshmallow being puppeteered by a rat. In fact, my main coping mechanism was watching all 10 seasons of Vanderpump Rules from the beginning, but for my thoughts on that we’d need a whole other article.

In all seriousness, during this time, which was so professionally fulfilling but also deeply challenging, I owe a huge deal to two co-stars in particular: my leading man Luke Newton and my leading lady Lydia West. I don’t know what I did to deserve two kind and talented angels by my side during these shows but I’m deeply grateful for them both.

Do I find it harder to put work out when I know there will be more eyes on me? Absolutely

Bridgerton took eight months to film and was like a marathon; I had to play the romantic lead I never thought I would be. Big Mood was a seven-week sprint, playing a character with bipolar disorder who is also extremely funny. Although these shows are wildly different, they are intrinsically linked for me. The characters of Maggie and Pen share some similarities; they’re both writers, they both have possibly co-dependent relationships with their besties, and playing both these women pushed me far beyond what I thought I could ever do. For them to come out one right after the other feels correct.

Do I find it harder to put work out when I know there will be more and more eyes on me? Absolutely. At the time of writing, only two clips of the new series of Bridgerton have been released into the world, and the response has been… actually, amazing. I girded my loins for terrible comments, and when they were so positive, I was shocked. It’s so nerve-racking because the show is big, like hundreds-of-millions-of-viewers big, and to see people respond positively to it means everything.

Am I apprehensive for the world to see Big Mood? Yes, because my whole heart is in it, I made it with one of my best friends and I think it’s deeply special. It’s the kind of show I wanted to make when I saw Girls, Broad City and Fleabag and I feel as if I’ve finally been able to do it.

Yes, I’m terrified of the scrutiny, the opinions, the number of eyes on me; but, ultimately, the thing that’s making me step out of the shadows, even though it terrifies me, is that I’m so proud of the work I’ve done, the people I’ve worked with and these beautiful shows we’ve made. I hope I can show the world, along with myself, that sometimes the oddball in the corner can take centre-stage.

Yours truly,

Harper’s Bazaar UK
Written by Nicola Coughlan
Published April 8, 2024
